

(转自华语广播,国际在线专稿 -- 记者手记——旧金山感恩节掠影

  (本台特约记者招思虹旧金山报道)每年11月的第四个星期四是美国一年一度的感恩节。感恩节起源于美国,现已成为美国的法定节日。美国人对感恩节的重视程度和过节的热闹程度不亚于中国人过春节。起初的美国人过感恩节的意义有两个,一是虔诚的感谢上苍 一年来风调雨顺,使庄稼获得了丰收;二是忠心的感谢勤劳善良的土著人对自己的帮助──才保全了性命。 旧金山华人如何过这个西方节日?今年感恩节记者穿梭唐人街和朋友之间,最深的感觉是,侨胞们过感恩节是各适其适,有人入乡随俗,依足洋人习惯过节,有人土洋结合,有人合家团聚,有人华洋结合齐欢聚。





旧的 Pharos GPS 135 也能跑 iGO8

几年前在 Dell.com 花 $150 买的 Pharos GPS 135 地图已落伍了,也不想花钱去更新地图,更新地图比买个新的GPS还贵。想法解锁然后用 iGO8 地图。

1. 下载 Pharos_GPS_Files参考页面),解压。
2. 下载和安装 ActiveSync,连接 Pharos GPS 135 到PC,
3. Open the Windows folder.
4. Copy the PhotoAlbum.exe over to the folder and select yes to overwrite it.
5. close the active connection. Click the Photo Viewer icon and you SHOULD see a taskbar!(The Desktop will typically NOT be visible!)
6. Now I HIGHLY SUGGEST that you set the start menu to autohide. Select Start -> Settings -> Taskbar and Start Menu -> Auto Hide -> OK
7. 把装有 iGO8 的 SD card 插入到 GPS。
8. Open PhotoAlbum,找出 SDCard 里的 iGO8,运行 iGO8。

OmniTech (中文) 跑 IGO8 北美地图

Staples 这周又买OmniTech 4.3" GPS $149.99 - $40 instant savings - $40 easy rebate - $25 off 75 (or 100) ebay/e-junkie coupon = $44.99。前阵子在未名网站上参照"中文omnitech 简易攻略 + 下载地址",下载了主程式Igo8北美地图,把IGo8这个文件下放在sd卡根目录下(跟nk.bin在一起),哈哈!

前几天下载了IGO8中国地图(下载前必须安装RaySource软件,参考页面),这下回中国也能用上它了。 还带手写输入
这几天又见iGO8 2009.6 各州单独地图(比google maps还要新)

原英文版在:“Omnitech GPS 简易破解”。
固件更新:http://www.navsupport.net/gps/quickfix/Images/Instructions.pdf 或参考这里
原地图更新:Omnitech GPS 2010 Map Update




如果你的PC没有Media Player Classic,你需要下载

Real Alternative
Real Alternative 1.9.0 (6.25 MB, 6.560.523 bytes)
Real Alternative will allow you to play RealMedia files without having to install RealPlayer or RealOne Player from Real Networks. Supported are: RealAudio (.ra .rpm), RealMedia (.rm .ram .rmvb .rpx .smi .smil), RealText (.rt) and ReadPix (.rp). It also supports RealMedia content that is embedded in webpages. The very user-friendly installation is fully customizable, which means that you can install only those components that you want.

QuickTime Alternative
QuickTime Alternative 2.8.0 (10.8 MB, 11.349.784 bytes)
QuickTime Alternative will allow you to play QuickTime files (.mov, .qt and other extensions) without having to install QuickTime Player from Apple. It also supports QuickTime content that is embedded in webpages. The very user-friendly installation is fully customizable, which means that you can install only those components that you want.

K-Lite Codec Pack
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.1.6 Full (13.5 MB, 14.160.286 bytes)
The K-Lite Codec Pack is a free collection of codecs and related tools. Codec is short for Compressor-decompressor. Codecs are needed for encoding and decoding (playing) audio and video. The very user-friendly installation is fully customizable, which means that you can install only those components that you want.



1. 不需要Internet,使用坐机(如不在指定地区需付长途电话费),手机(占用你的分钟额):

在Personal details栏填入指定的坐机和手机号吗



2. 在Internet上你的帐户里,输入你的电话和你要打的长途电话,服务器帮你接通你和你要打的长途电话,收取几分钱的接通费。

3. 使用VOIP Device,如D-Link VTA-VR,Linksys PAP2 V2,需要Internet,但不需要开Computer,就如普通电话一样使用。

Unlocked D-LINK VTA-VR Setting (voipraider/freedigits)

(Unlocking reference)
1. Connection:

2. Pick up the phone connected to the Phone1 port of the D-Link VTA. This must be a phone that supports Caller-id.

3. Dial *11.

4. The IP address will appear on the Caller-id display.

5. Typing VTA-VR IP address in an internet explorer window and login as Admin/Admin.

6. Admin page is what you should see:

Provisioning Profile Base URL:
Polling Interval: 1
Image Download Retry Interval: 120
Provisioning Status: Provisioned
Vonage DNS Server1: Router IP (
Vonage DNS Server2: Router IP (
Voice CID Name: Your Name,or keep Blank

7. Setting for Line 1 (http://www.voipraider.com/)

SIP Configuration - User Agent
Index: 1 (voipraider.com)
Phone Number: If you have SIP number and will setting in Index 2,put in.
Display Name:Your Name,or keep Blank
User Agent Port:10000
Authentication Username: your voipraider username
Password: your voipraider password
Retype Password: your voipraider password

SIP Configuration – Server
Index: 1
IP Address:sip.voipraider.com
Port :5060
Outbound Proxy IP Address :sip.voipraider.com
Outbound Proxy Port :5060
Timer T2:32000
Register Expiration: 60000 sec
Session Expires: 0 sec
Min-SE: 0 sec

8. Setting for Line 2 (freedigits.com)
Index: 2 (freedigits.com)
Phone Number: Your SIP number
Display Name:Your Name,or keep Blank
User Agent Port:10000
Authentication Username:Your SIP number
Password: Password
Retype Password: Password
SIP Configuration – Server
Index: 2
IP Address:freedigits.net
Port :5060
Outbound Proxy IP Address :outbound.talkdigits.net
Outbound Proxy Port :5060
Timer T2:32000
Register Expiration: 60000 sec
Session Expires: 0 secMin-SE: 0 sec

9. Apply(each change you need "Retype Password" on both Line 1 and Line 2)
10. Connect phone to Line 1.
Incoming call: the Line 2 SIP phone number will automatically transfer to Line 1.

Dial:USA & Canada: 1+area code + numberOther Country: 00 + country code + area code + number
For example call Shenzhen in China:008675500000000


英文Windows XP Pro 或 Vista 改头换面成国内喜欢的中文界面

近来许多人从美国带计算机回国,如果你安装的WINDOWS XP Pro 或Vista的英文版,但对于国内广大习惯于使用中文操作界面的用户显然是非常不方便的,为此微软公司也特意开发了东亚地区的语言包,下面我们将教您如何把英文的WINDOWS XP Pro或Vista 改头换面成国内喜欢的中文界面,之前安装了英文版的用户就不必重新安装中文版了,安装这个中文语言包即可成为双语系统。

Windows XP Pro版本:(全图文安装教程)
1、下载Windows XP Pro简体中文语言包
3、到Control Panel的Regional and Language Options,在Languages选项中,选择“中文(简体)”在Languages used in menus and dialogs,Apply、OK后重新启动。这时你会发现,整个是中文界面了。

Windows Vista版本:
1、下载Windows Vista简体中文语言包(http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3-19990518/cabpool/lp-zh-cn_ac12404fd3350e08ba766c9ab774eb61ecfa7a45.exe)
3、到Control Panel的Regional and Language Options,在Keyboards and Languages选项中,选择“中文(简体)”在Display Languages,Apply、OK后重新启动。这时你会发现,整个是中文界面了。


Vonage 语音网关(Linksys PAP2 V2 网路电话接驳器)解锁和设置

(Line 2 ring on line1)

1. 断开路游器(Router)与语音网关(PAP2V2)的连接, 接通电话与语音网关(PAP2V2),电话连接在Line 1 上,在电话上按****,听到录音回答按110#,记下语音网关地址(192.168.xxx.xxx).

2. 在浏览器(IE)输入上述记下的语音网关地址: http:// 192.168.xx.xxx。用户/密码:admin/admin

3. 打开 cyt35 (下载:CYT35),进入3
4. 输入第一项记下的语音网关地址
5. 进入1

6. 在浏览器(IE)输入: http:// 192.168.xx.xxx. 用户/密码:admin/admin(重复第二项)

7. 输入:http://192.168.xx.xxx/Voice_adminPage.html,用户/密码:(Admin/Admin)。(注意:大写A)。

8. 进入 Voice 设置
9. 设置 Voipstunt (http://www.voipstunt.com/) Line 1(或其它:voipraider, voipzoom, 12voip, voipbusterpro):
Caller ID Number: 输入将在 Line 2 上设置的号码
Caller ID Name:
User Name:
Proxy Server: sip.voipstunt.com
Register Address: sip.voistunt.com
Digit Map:or

10. 设置 freedigits (http://freedigits.com/) 在Line 2 (现停止注册新用户,可到ipkall.com注册新用户):
Line Enable: on
Caller ID: phone number
Caller ID Name:
User Name:
Proxy Server: outbound.talkdigits.net
Register Address: freedigits.net
Digit Map: (Same Line 1)

11. 拨号:
拨打美国和加拿大: 1+area code + number
拨打其它国家: 00+country code + area code + number

12. 如果你的语音网关版本不是1.00.13,你需要降级到1.00.13(下载1.00.13):
按Browse, 选择你下载的 “pt-11.4.0-r060426-1.00.13-r060426.img”文件,按 Update Gateway, 重复解锁和设置。

13. 其它升级选择:
http:// xxx.xxx.x.xxx /update.html (user/user)
http:// xxx.xxx.x.xxx /Provision.html (Admin/Admin)

14. 注意:不要按语音网关背后的reset孔! 如果你意外地碰了reset孔,你需要重新解锁和设置。


免费美国接入电话号码(Free Incomging VoIP number)



sipnumber.com / freedigits.com / talkdigits.com / clickdigits.com 等提供免费的美国VOIP电话号码,现停止注册新用户,但原有的用户仍然享受无限制免费接听电话服务。

http://phone.ipkall.com/提供免费的美国传入电话服务。华盛顿州的号码(206,253,360,425 )。

http://www.sipgate.com/: 提供免费的美国传入电话服务(415号码)。